A unique learning community for
self-taught coders

There’s more to coding than just... well, coding.

To truly build a career in web and app development you have to be more than just your code.

You have to learn problem solving skills, industry details, soft skills, and a bajillion other things just to be able to compete.

You have to stay motivated and learn to do the work

That’s where La Vie en Code can help.

You belong here.

There are a ton of places out there who will teach you how to code, but then what?

Floating out in space on your own, with nothing but your own lines won’t make you happy, and it sure won’t help you build a career.

To really grow as a master coder, you need way more than just a keyboard.

You need a community.

You need a skillset that makes you invaluable in the industry.

You need to know how to power through challenges, problem-solve on the run, stay productive and do whatever you need to do to just keep moving forward.

And all that, my dev friends, is why I’m here for you.

With my multi-tier, jam-packed membership programs, you can get access to all the things we’ve learned in this giant world o’ code.

Brain power.
Pep talks.
Tips and tricks.

All the things that will take you from newbie to pro faster than you can say “tech salary”! 😀

But more than that, you’ll get that community support you need. Because even if you don’t think you need it… you do.

A family of people who are doing the same things you are doing and learning the same way you are.

People who “get it” and can surround you with the support and advice you need as you grow.

Allow me to
introduce myself!

I’m Nicole Archambault, and I’m a front-end web developer and educational technology (EdTech) instructor!

After abandoning a CS major in college, I taught myself to program in 2015 using Treehouse.

Like so many others who get into coding, I made a career change to an industry that I love, doing work that I’m passionate about, and solving problems that matter.

Over the years, I’ve learned a ton, and want to share that info with others like you—who don’t just want to learn to code, but want to grow your new talent into a solid and growing career path.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s this:

There’s no secret to learning web development, or magic involved in the process. It’s all about knowing yourself, and your boundaries—and then pushing them, intelligently.

Because I am a firm believer that education should be low-cost and free of ego, I’ve put my years of experience, expertise, and content into one place—La Vie en Code LaunchPad.

Here, whatever your budget or whatever your career trajectory, you can find the resources, tips and tricks that will help you grow a lucrative career out of how you code.

I hope that you’ll join us here on the LaunchPad, where the only path is upward. I promise, the results will amaze you.
Nicole Archambault's signature: "Peace, love, and code"

Why join LaunchPad?

Truly healthy community

Toxicity runs abound in all industries, and the tech industry is by no means exempt. It can get real rough out there.

The LaunchPad Community, as well as the La Vie en Code community at large, is built on and protected by a strong Code of Conduct, with healthy expectations of behavior.

This is a healthy, supportive space for all—and we work hard to keep it that way!

Have fun and earn rewards!

Socializing and growing should be FUN. I’m on a mission to create learning and engagement opportunities that don’t feel forced or uninteresting.

Virtually everything in the La Vie en Code Community is gamified!

LaunchPad membership gives you access to even more rewards that you can use for forum cred, recognize others for their contributions to the community—and even for real rewards like gift cards and more.

The personal attention you need

Coaching is an important part of the professional development and career transition process—something so many people don’t realize until after they’ve wasted time and energy without individualized guidance.

LaunchPad membership includes:

Two (2) group coaching sessions a month for Full-Stack and above, and
One (1) 1-on-1 coaching session a month for Career Changers

A course for everyone,
all included

Learn everything you can to become a stronger problem solver and speed learner... and even change careers!

More courses will be coming in the future, based on YOUR needs and feedback!

Which membership is right for you?

LaunchPad membership is designed to be affordable for any level of developer—from casual to professional to career changer!

(Also, you can always change your plan, because life is always changing.)

Full-StackCareer Changer
LaunchPad Lounge
Problem Solving Playhouse
Career Changer Clubhouse
Problem Solving School
Speed Learning School
Career Change School
Monthly group coaching
1-on-1 coaching
LaunchPad Shop
Coin boost
Special badges

Ready to sign up?

We’re ready to have you! 😀


$ 47 a month
  • Access to LaunchPad Lounge member community
  • Access to LaunchPad School
  • Purchase rewards through LaunchPad Shop
  • Coin boost and special badges
  • Two (2) monthly group coaching sessions
  • One (1) monthly 1-on-1 coaching session
  • Access to Career Change School cohorts

Career Changer

$ 97 a month
  • Access to LaunchPad Lounge member community
  • Access to LaunchPad School
  • Purchase rewards through LaunchPad Shop
  • Coin boost and special badges
  • Two (2) monthly group coaching sessions
  • One (1) monthly 1-on-1 coaching session
  • Access to Career Change School cohorts

LaunchPad Scavenger Hunt


Rockets are scattered across the website, waiting for you to find them! Each rocket grants 20 coins. 

When you find one, click it to receive your reward! Rockets reset every day.



[gamipress_leaderboard_user_position id=”69390″ current_user=”yes” text=”You are in position {position}!” not_ranked_text=”You’re not yet ranked—go find some rockets!“]

[gamipress_leaderboard title="" id="69390" hide_admins="yes"]

Just one more step to download I Want to Learn to Code—Now What!

Total transparency: You’ll get your guide, and also be subscribed to my dope weekly newsletter, Life in Code.

You can always unsubscribe (but I don’t think you’ll want to). :)

Just one more step to download 10 Things You Need to Learn BEFORE Learning to Code!

Total transparency: You’ll get your guide, and also be subscribed to my dope weekly newsletter, Life in Code.

You can always unsubscribe (but I don’t think you’ll want to). :)

Just one more step to download 5 Steps to Solving Code Challenges!

Total transparency: You’ll get your guide, and also be subscribed to my dope weekly newsletter, Life in Code.

You can always unsubscribe (but I don’t think you’ll want to). :)